Have you got a question?
Driven Threads FAQs are a collection of questions that are commonly asked by our customers worldwide.
Q- Can I return my purchase?
A- Sure. If you change your mind or have ordered the wrong size, you have 28 days from the purchase date to return it for an exchange. All merchandise must be unworn and in the same condition it was received. Please note; the original shipping charge and return shipping charge will not be refunded. If you received a faulty product or a product not meeting its description, you may return it. In this case, you are entitled to a refund including any shipping costs.
Q- Is Driven Threads secure?
A- Driven Threads is a registered Australian business. We use PayPal for our online transactions. PayPal automatically encrypts your confidential information in transit from your computer to ours using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits. (the highest level commercially available.)
Q- Will Driven Threads share my personal information?
A- Your personal information will only be used to ship your order. It will not be shared or sold to any third-party. We also won't spam your email! Yep, we hate it too!
Q- How can I pay for my purchase?
A- Driven Threads accepts VISA, Mastercard, American Express or regular account payments all through PayPal. You do not require a PayPal account to purchase from Driven Threads.
Q- When will I receive my order?
A- Once orders are processed, we aim to get your purchase to you as quick as we can. Most orders are received between 3-5 normal business days Australia-wide. Please take in to account Public Holidays and peak periods. International orders are sent via regular air mail services, please allow a minimum of 10 normal business days.
Q-Who do you ship with?
A- We ship all orders via Australia Post. Once the order arrives into your country, your national mail service will be responsible for delivering the order.
Q- So. Where are you shipping from?
A- Driven Threads HQ is located in cosmopolitan and leafy Melbourne, Victoria Australia. Location of Round 1 of the Formula One Grand Prix Championship and the birthplace of VB. The home of horsepower.
Q- Hey, what's my size?
A- Check out Fit and Finish to ensure perfect fitment.
Q- I love Driven Threads. How can I stay in touch?
A- Simple. Like us on Facebook and subscribe to our blog. You won't regret it.